Watford Ready to Appoint Roy Hodgson as New manager

According to news Watford is ready to set former England boss and coach Roy Hodgson as their new manager for the upcoming event.

The Hornets are keen to make a speed date while following Claudio Ranieri’s dismissal on last Monday with the club at the bottom three number of the Premier League.

Hodgson is 74 years old, he has been out of the game of football since he left Crystal Palace at the very end of the last season.

At that time, he made statement that, he wanted to take some rest but later on he didn’t continue. He didn’t see rolling out at any point while during that duration of time.

Watford wants to give the replacement of Ranieri as much time as possible to work with the team during the last season ahead of a crucial Premier League trip to Burnley on February 5.

The Pozzo family owns and have worked with both Vicarage Road side and Hodgson when they had brief spell in charge of Udinese.

Hodgson was probably oldest one who was managing the Premier League and at that time he was incharge of Palace in the season 2017. After that season he left the Palace in September 2017.

He has done many tasks like he replace the Frank de Boer as manager of the Premier League bottom-seeded Eagles because they lose first four games in season 2017 and 2018 without scoring a goal during that season.

Although they lost the first three games but he made able Palace to guide at 11 position in the table at that season. After that they finished 12th, 14th, and 14th in subsequent seasons.

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